The only thing that matters are the kind of thoughts you are thinking right now. Do you know that you can literally THINK your way healthy. You can think your way strong. You can think your way to your highest self. TODAY I want you to practice this. All day long, I am healthy I am fit I am strong I am my highest self This morning in the mirror and tonight as you lay in bed. Think of all of these thoughts over and over and you will start to believe them.
"Whatever the mind can conceive and BELIEVE it can achieve."
What is your highest self? Envision yourself there today....don't let it leave your mind today.
16 oz of water before all meals
2 servings of raw vegetables late morning and afternoon
warm lemon water 2 x daily
these are all healthy tips to utilize everyday...
Workout LIVE ZOOM ID WITH ME IS 916-716-5536
password: fitfam
Times this week:
Monday Turbokick 6 am-6:30 click here to see a LIVE Class Wednesday PIYO 8:30-9 am live class here Friday WERQ 6-6:30 am example here -- WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOUR SMILING FACE TODAY! click here to join my free Inspire Group ad