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❤️ ARM WORKOUT (10 Min)❤️Pizza Soup❤️Always FIVE ingredients or less

❤️Lifting weights is beneficial not just to tone up the arms. It has a reaction on your metabolism ALL DAY LONG! Yes, it spikes the metabolism to help burn fat more efficiently!

❤️As we age, "people who start to lift weights typically gain muscle mass and strength, as well as better mobility, mental sharpness and metabolic health." (

❤️Check this short and to the point ten minute workout for the arms and the heart.

❤️My famous Pizza Soup from years ago! I have cut down ingredients to make easier for you but without losing the flavor!

❤️Check it out

❤️Oh and this.... I AM NOT will VERY soon BELIEVE all of it! When you feel it inside you show it outside❤️

In Spirit,


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Family Recipes Motivation and Encouragement | Healthyhairdresser Addie

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